
The Drepung Monastery is the largest temple to travel

Labrang Monastery,also known as Labrang Tashikyil,or generally Labrang Gonpa,China Travel was recognized in 1710 by the First Jamyang-zhaypa,(1648-1722),in the Amdo area (A-mdo) of eastern Tibet.It can be found 250 kilometers the western of Lanzhu,and is currently engaged in the western Kansu (Gansu) Region of China providers,near the border of Chinghai (Qinghai)Province.
It is described among the six important monasteries of the Gelugpa Customized.The First Jamyang-zhaypa,also known as a disciple of the Fifth Dalai Lama,Ngawang-lozang-gyatso (1617-1682),was from Amdo and had examined sutra at Gomang College of Drepung Monastery (Bras-spungs dGon-pa) and tantra at Gyumay Decreased Tantric College.He published the Kunkyen guides later used at Gomang, Luxury China Tours 2014 Drepung Deyang College, and Labrang.
When he was Abbot of Gomang, Jamyang-zhaypa was requested for by Ganden Erdene Junang, the Mongol Expert of Kokonor, to come returning to Amdo where many Mongols lived among the Tibetans. Jamyang-zhaypa accepted, and on the eve of his making,China Custom Tours the Gadong Situation Oracle prophesied that he would found a monastery in Amdo known as Tashikyil. In creating this monastery,Jamyang-zhaypa applied the Drepung recommendations of self-discipline and chanting style for the main temple, and the Gomang style of conversation.
Jamyang-zhaypa himself offered the name Genden-shaydrub Tashi-kunnay-kyilway-ling to his new monastery.The Second Panchen Lama,Losang-yeshey (Pan-chen Blo-bzang ye-shes) (1663-1737),gave it a second name, Ganden Damcho-shaydrub-dargyey-ling. "Labrang" indicates the residence of an outstanding Lama.The monastery in typical became known as Labrang, or Labrang Tashikyil, after the residence of Jamyang-zhaypa.The variety of his reincarnations,the Jamyang-zhaypa Rinpoches,have been the traditional brings of the Labrang Monastery.
There has always been a highly effective connection between Labrang Tashikyil and the Mongols. Many lineages from Labrang, such as that of Kalachakra (Du -khor),spread to the Mongolian monasteries.The Buryat,Kalmyk,Luxury China Vacations and Tuvinian places of Spain used particularly the Kunkyen guides of Jamyang-zhaypa.Many monasteries in Inner and Exterior Mongolia used them as well.
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