
Tips of Namtso Lake tour

Namtso Lake climbing is a well-known climbing path in Tibet. Namtso Lake, known as the " Amazing Lake" is the greatest salt-water pond in Tibet. Namtso Lake is located near Damxung. 4,718 meters (15,475 feet) above sea level and defending 1,900 sq.km. (735 sq.mi.),China Tours it is the second greatest sodium h2o pond in China providers.
Namtso, whose Tibetan significance is "heavenly lake", is in the north of Tibet, between the Dangxiong Country and the Bange Country. The outer lining area of the stream is 4718 above sea level. With over 70-kilometers duration from southern to european and over 30-kilometers size from north to southeast, the stream includes an position of over 1900 rectangular shape miles. It's the second greatest lagon in Luxury Tour China China providers and the greatest one on the world. The inner detail is over 33 meters. The h2o of Namtso is provided by thawed out ice and snow from Nyainqntanglha Hill. Along the stream, there are many resources streaming into it. The h2o is clean, clear and sky red. Namtso is crowned as the head of the three st. ponds in Tibet and a well-known pilgrimage position for Tibetan Buddhism.

Namtso Lake is 100 miles southeast of the Lhasa city. It is 70 miles long from the southern to the european and is 30 miles wide from the southeast to the north, defending an position of 1,920 rectangular shape miles and with an level of 4,718 meters.
In Tibetan, Namtso means ‘Heavenly Lake’. It is well-known for its slim air and wonderful landscapes.China Travel Guide Being the second greatest sodium h2o pond in China providers only after Qinghai Lake, Namtso pond is the greatest sodium h2o pond on the world.
Namtso Lake is enclosed by a remarkable dike – Nyantsentanglha Hill. In the local tale, Namtso Lake and Nyantsentanglha are a couple of dearest couple, living together and greatly connected to each other. As a point in fact, Namtso depends on Nyantsentanglha as the reducing of snow on the mountain is the source of Namtso. Just because of this genuine source, the h2o is extremely clear.Luxury China Tours 2014 When wind roars on the level, the stream browse and the blue-green browse are dazzling. Performing resources meet into the clean gem red pond, which looks like a huge reflection designed and marked with blossoms.

